Causes Of False Accusation Of Sex Crime
A false accusation of sex crimes is the reporting of a sex crime where no sex crime has occurred. Rates of false accusation are sometimes inflated or misrepresented due to conflation with terms such as unfounded. These designations, which allow law enforcement to close cases without arriving at a conclusion, are used to describe reports without enough evidence, as opposed to cases where the accuser is not credible or says that the account is untrue.
Causes of false accusations of rape may fall into two categories: non-deliberate deception such as false memories, and lies.
False memories
There are several ways in which an alleged victim can accidentally come to believe that they have been raped by the person(s) they accuse.
An accuser may have several motivations to falsely claim they have been raped. There is disagreement on how many different categories these may be put into: revenge, producing an alibi or to get sympathy/attention.
Things to do When Falsely Accused of Sex Crime:
Select the right attorney to represent you. There are many fine attorneys in America. Attorneys good at drug cases or speeding tickets, or good at representing women in custody cases, but who you may learn the hard way will send you down the toilet because they aren’t good on the kind of case YOU have. You should begin by checking out the lawyer you are considering hiring.
Realizing the level of trouble you are in. Understand the consequences if you underestimate the legal ramifications for your life if you make the wrong decisions. Unfortunately most people go into some level of denial and minimize the trouble they are in. As a consequence they fail to do things they must and find themselves in much deeper legal troubles than they started out with.
Build a war chest. Most people don’t want to hear that this kind of case will be expensive. When you are falsely accused of child abuse, rape, or domestic violence you are facing a high probability of criminal charges, and if you are facing criminal charges in one of these areas you are facing a very high probability of conviction unless you take strong steps to prevent the issues from getting out of hand. This will require taking some steps such as getting specialized psychological testing and a properly designed polygraph or similar testing. As well as lining up other necessary evidence and experts. All of this will cost. You need to adjust your thinking to thousands of dollars instead of hundreds of dollars.
Do a time line. You will need to put a time-line in writing. Start from day 1 and go through to today in as much detail as you can recall. This will be a great aid to your defense.
Educate yourself. You can’t help defend yourself from a place of ignorance. You’ll need to educate yourself on the subject area of the allegations you are facing.
Scientific Testing. Tests that relate specifically to what you are being accused of. So specialized testing is necessary. The same tact must be taken for domestic violence or any other allegation of misconduct. Show that YOU don’t have what it takes to be guilty.
The sooner you hire an attorney, the sooner they can provide you with the legal counsel you will undoubtedly need in a situation like this. Accusations of sexual assault and sex-related crimes are extremely sensitive, and if you don’t handle them properly, the consequences can be life-changing.
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