Child Abuse Laws

 Any person accused of Child Molestation Charges or abuse of a child is subject to serious consequences, and without an experienced criminal defense team these charges are tough to beat. If you have been accused of any of these actions, the penalties can be extremely severe. Obtain the services of an expert criminal defense team now.

Every year there are many individuals who are falsely accused of a sex crime. False accusations can destroy a person’s career, personal life, and reputation in the community. The motivation for a false accusation can vary widely, and sometimes it is an honest mistake made by a traumatized victim who does not know the true identity of their attacker. It is also not unheard of to have false accusations of child abuse as part of a child custody battle. These are just examples, and there are many reasons that could lead to false accusations.

The degree of the charge will depend on the allegations made as well as the prosecuting attorney’s discretion.  Penalties range from a couple of years in prison up to possible life in prison. Then there are parole restrictions. In addition, even after release from prison, registration on Public sex offender registry is required.

First degree child abuse is a felony punishable by a prison term up to and including life.

Second degree child abuse is a felony punishable by not more than 10 years in prison for the first offense, and not more than 20 years in prison for subsequent offenses.

Third degree child abuse is felony punishable by not more than 2 years in prison.

Fourth degree child abuse is a misdemeanor punishable by not more than 1 year in prison.

Child abuse is a serious crime that can not only land you in jail, but also lead you to lose custody of your child. If you've been charged with child abuse, it's in your best interests to speak to a local criminal defense attorney to learn about your rights and options.


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