Need To Know About Michigan Sex Offender Registry
President George W. Bush signed the Adam Walsh Act into law. This set the standard for how law enforcement classifies sexual offenses. Under the federal Adam Walsh Act, sexual offenses are classified based on the crime committed, the nature of the crime, the age of the people involved, and whether or not the convicted sex offender is likely to commit the same type of offense again.
If you’ve ever looked at the Michigan Sex Offender Registry, or researched someone who is listed as a sex offender, you probably noticed the ‘tier’ classification system. For people who aren’t familiar with the system, this can be a little confusing. So let’s take a look at what it means, and why we use this system for classifying sex offenders.
Sex Offender Registry is a public database containing the names, addresses, physical descriptions and criminal history details of convicted sex offenders that is readily accessible on the Internet. The purpose of the registry is to provide another layer of protection to society to identify and track those sexual delinquent individuals who are perceived to have a low recidivist rate.
It should be noted that juveniles may be required to be listed on the Michigan Sex Offender Registry. If the juvenile is age 13 or younger at the time of the offense, then the juvenile is not required to register no matter what the offense is.
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