The Age Of Sexual Consent
Non-Consensual Sexual Sex means any sexual penetration no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without consent. Consent is never implied by things like your past behavior, what you wear, or where you go. Sexual consent is always clearly communicated — there should be no question or mystery. Silence is not consent. And it’s not just important the first time you’re with someone. Couples who’ve had sex before or even ones who’ve been together for a long time also need to consent before sex — every time. There are laws about who can consent and who can’t. People who are drunk, high, or passed out can’t consent to sex. There are also laws to protect minors (people under the age of 18) from being pressured into sex with someone much older than them. The age of sexual consent is how old a person needs to be in order to be considered legally capable of consenting to sex. Adults who have sex with someo...